So school started again for us, last Thursday to be precise. We once again get to live that oh-so-fun academic life -____- so, if we miss some posts we're sorry. Anyways, this week we headed over to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens for a (super) short trip, conflicting schedules are such a dread!
Friday, September 4, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Back To School Once Again
The time that most of us dread once again is upon us, back to school! A lot of people have trouble picking out their first week outfits let alone their first day outfits, we decided to put some looks together to help you guys out. We created these BTS outfits with high schoolers and college students in mind so if something seems to be against your school's code just tweek it a bit. Hope this helps!!!
Friday, August 21, 2015
Happy Anniversary to Us!
Yesterday made us one year old! Whoop Whoop! A year ago we posted our very first post ever. It was a styling post where we styled floral pants and mustard shorts. Check it out here. Although it's only been a year and and we don't really have a following, we're super thankful to anyone who comments and shows support. We hope to continue to grow and we'd love if you'd come along with us!
Friday, August 14, 2015
High Line Limbo
We took another chance at discovering our beloved city, and adventured over to the High Line! It's a park in the sky that used to be an old railroad track that carried freight through the West Side. It was on the verge of being destroyed but lucky for us, it was rescued and can now serve as a spot to relax and take in nature and art in the middle of the busy city. It's truly amazing discovering things in your own hometown (well okay, not exactly "hometown" but you guys get it). If you're ever in the Big Apple give it a look.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Friday, July 31, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
Favorites: Lippy Edition
Welcome to my Lippy Heaven! A lot of girls out there like to define their look with a powerful eye, and yes I do enjoy a great eye look every once in a while, but I truly believe that a great lip makes any look outstanding. I went through my collection of everything Lip related and plucked out my absolute favorites.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Here Comes the Sun...set
Not! The Manhattanhenge was upon us. It was supposedly the last day of the year that the sunset would be perfectly aligned down certain streets of Manhattan. We took a late night train ride over there to get some awesome shots, and we would have gotten them...if it had happened. Oh well, let's take outfit pics instead!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Sprawling Tree
Everything is so lively during this time of year. Even the dry wheat from a previous post is alive and green! We found this interesting tree at our local park, why not take pictures with it?
Friday, July 3, 2015
Summer Essentials
These are some of my summer essentials-things that I've been loving or wanting for my favorite season of the year. They all fit perfectly in my closet! What are your favorite pieces for the summer?
- Evelyn ♥
- Evelyn ♥
Friday, June 26, 2015
June Ipsy Bag!!!
Hey guys! I recently signed up to subscribe for a monthly Ipsy bag. If you don't know what it is, it's a company that sends you beauty samples every month for just $10.00. I was a little worried about it at first like "what if I'm wasting ten bucks a month for things I won't even like or use?" But, I just got my first Ipsy bag for June and I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised, I like EVERYTHING in it, so I decided I would share with you all.
- Sarah♥
Friday, June 19, 2015
Ribbon & Lace
You can never go wrong in a classic black and white outfit, whether it's for an interview or a dressy casual day out. And a nice pop of color won't hurt, like a hat or even your hair!
Friday, June 12, 2015
Coney Island
NYC is amazing! All it's bright colors and busy atmosphere and what-nots make it so hard not to fall in love with a place like this. But the sad thing is that sometimes when you live in such an amazing city that are usually tourist attractions you tend to ignore the beauty and take it for granted. This summer we plan to stop and smell the New York roses. And what a better place to start than in Brooklyn, Coney Island to be precise.
Friday, June 5, 2015
♥♥♥ May Favorites ♥♥♥
Happy June everyone! Summer is here at last although it did rain heavily today and was fifty-six degrees out :( (on June 1st). Just thought I'd do a quick post today on some of my favorites from May.
- Sarah ♥
Friday, May 29, 2015
Nothing Gold Can Stay
What do you do when you're stressed or bored? We, head on over to our local park and have ourselves a mini photo shoot. (Blogger life, am I right?) Here's some of the photos we took that evening.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Styling: Band Tees
Hey guys! It's been so long since we've posted, but we're back as Evelyn mentioned in the previous post Here's another styling post. This one's for all the band lovers out there who are tired of pairing their band tees with regular ripped jeans (although I don't know how anyone could get tired of ripped jeans)
Friday, May 22, 2015
Styling: Denim
It's been way too long since we've posted! We're definitely trying to get back on our game now that classes are out and summer's approaching. We're excited to explore and get a little creative >:) Here's a few ways I styled a basic necessity-denim.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Valentine's Day Outfit Ideas
Hey guys we're finally back doing a post together!!! Valentine's Day is right around the corner and we thought we'd share some outfit inspiration for you guys. We covered Date Night, GNO, a Casual Day Out, and a Casual Night In too ❤️ Hope you can find some inspiration. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Sarah and Evelyn
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Thrifting| Plato's Closet
I checked out Plato’s Closet in my recent trip to Dallas, TX. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s an affordable consignment shop where you can buy and sell your new and/or fairly used fashion items. My first impression of the store was that it was nicely organized and designed. It could definitely pass as a regular clothing store, similar to stores like Rainbow or Mandee’s, but here you can find non-brand items to designer brands for good prices. At first, I wasn’t really seeing anything I really like until towards the end of my shopping trip. I found a couple of things that I just couldn’t put down!
Saturday, January 3, 2015
2014 Favorites: Makeup Edition

Buh-bye 2014 and Hello 2015 ❤ It's a new year, and we welcome it!!! But before we turn our backs on 2014 I want to share a few makeup favorites that made last year a bit more bearable and prettier lol!
Thursday, January 1, 2015
2015| New Years Outfit Inspiration
Happy New Year!! One more hour to go until we start 2015! I put this set together for a little festive New Years inspo. The theme is black and metallics. Sequins, glitter, silver and gold, the classic way to start the new year. I wish I had every single piece in this set! Evelyn
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